A fresh perspective renews Karen Mingst's classic, concise text. A new chapter on international cooperation and international law presents alternatives to war. A streamlined approach to theories an…
Capitalism's Hidden Worlds sheds new light on this shadowy economic landscape by reexamining how we think about the market. In particular, it scrutinizes the missed connections between the official…
Disrupsi digital telah mengubah pola kerja dan kegiatan ekonomi. Bisnis konvensional menghilang. Kebutuhan lapangan kerja berubah. Risiko hidup pun semakin tinggi. Masyarakat Indonesia yang masih d…
terbit di Harian Ekonomi Neraca tangga 26 Agustus 2022
Secara naluriah, sukses adalah keinginan semua manusia yang kadang hanya sebatas harapan, tetapi ada juga yang terwujud menjadi kenyataan. Apa rumus yang harus diterapkan untuk mengubah harapan men…
Perdebatan mengenai baik atau buruknya jumlah penduduk yang besar (atau kecil) di suatu negara tak pernah berhenti. Pada akhir abad ke-18, Malthus mengungkapkan beban ekonomi dari pertumbuhan pendu…
The fourth edition now includes a discussion of global and comparative perspectives in each theoretical chapter and a brand-new chapter that explores how these theories have been adapted for, and e…
Kingdon's landmark work on agenda setting and policy formation is drawn from interview conducted with people in and around the U.S. federal government, and from case studies, government documents, …
A clear grasp of economics is essential to understanding why environmental problems arise and how we can address them. So it is with good reason that Markets and the Environment has become a classi…