Printed Book
The promise of a pencil: how an ordinary person can create extraordinary change
Somewhere in India...
I strayed away from my group and found a young boy with big brown eyes who was previously begging, but now sat alone. As I approached him to talk, a man came over to translate. I explained that I had a question for the boy. I was asking one child per country, if the child could have anything in the world, what would it be? I wanted to know, what would the boy want if he could have any one thing? He thought about it for a few seconds, then responded confidently:
"A pencil."
"Are you sure?" I asked. He had no family, nothing, yet his request was so basic.
More men came over and started chiming in. They prodded him, "You can have anything. He might give it to you."
The boy remained constant with his wish: "A pencil."
I had a No. 2 yellow pencil in my backpack. I pulled it out and handed it to him. As it passed from my hand to his, his face lit up. He looked at it as if it were a diamond. The men explained that the boy had never been to school, but he had seen other children writing with pencils. It shocked me that he had never once been to school. It then started to settle in that this was the reality for many children across the world. Could something as small as a pencil, the foundation of an education, unlock a child's potential?
For me that pencil is a writing utensil, but for him it was a key. It was a symbol. It was a portal to creativity, curiosity, and possibility. Every great inventor, architect, scientist, and mathematician began as a child holding nothing more than a pencil. That single stick of wood and graphite could enable him to explore worlds within that he would never otherwise access.
Adam Braun masih sangat muda ketika dia memutuskan untuk keluar dari tempat kerja dan kehidupannya yang mapan menuju ketidakpastian dunia non-profit untuk memenuhi panggilan hatinya, yaitu menyediakan akses pendidikan kepada anak-anak di kampung-kampung terpencil yang belum pernah mengenyam bangku sekolah sedikit pun. Bukan hanya tantangan di lapangan yang dia hadapi, bahkan orang-orang terdekatnya pun tidak setuju dengan langkah yang dia pilih. Namun kebulatan tekad membuatnya yakin dan terus maju untuk mewujudkan mimpi besarnya.
Buku The Promise of A Pencil: How an Ordinary Person Can Create Extraordinary Change menceritakan pengalaman hidup seorang Adam Braun dalam mendirikan dan menjalankan perusahaan non-profit, atau for-purpose menurut istilah dia, yang bernama Pencils of Promise. Gaya penulisannya yang ringan dan storytelling membuat kita mudah mencerna pelajaran-pelajaran penting dalam hidup di tiap mantranya (chapter) tanpa merasa digurui. Berbeda dengan buku-buku teori yang berat, keping-keping kisah yang dia bawakan sangat menarik untuk disimak.
Buku ini cocok buat kamu yang ingin atau sedang mengejar mimpi, ingin berkontribusi untuk sesuatu yang lebih besar, atau ingin melakukan yang terbaik untuk diri, keluarga, maupun lingkunganmu.
Selamat membaca.
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