Penulis: Makmun dan Abdurahman
Government pricing policy of energy is an unpopular choice for most people. A hike of electrical price (so called TDL stand for Tarif Dasar Listrik) administered by the government will be responded negatively by most of people. Based on our research analysis, a rise of TDL will have negative impact on household’s real income. Any increase by 10 percent of TDL will decrease the real income of agricultural labor household by 1.47 percent and by 3.47 percent of the real income of the lower level of non-agriculture household. In addition, the hike of TDL will have negative impact on sectoral demand.File Terkait:
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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy from Fiscal Policy Agency, Ministry of Finance, Republic of Indonesia.